Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Mangoessss and Mickey

Juicy mangoes....yumm yummm.... actually it reminds me of the movie 'Bend it like Beckham' when the auntie said "I'll turn your mosquito bites into juicy mangoes" hHHAHAhhHAa.a... ok no lewd talks here.

My first memory of ever serving a mango sliced this way was after my parents came back from their trip to the Phillipines (WITHOUT us!!!!). They didn't even tell us they were going on a holiday. I still remember that morning very was weird that dad didn't drive us to school and we had to car pool with the neighbours. Then we got home after find grandma waiting for us and letting us know that they've gone away. My poor baby sister held the front door gates and was crying though our parents were going to hear her and come back to get her. My parents have a thing for going away on holidays without telling their children. Which reminded me again when they left me to go tour the USA!!!!! and yes grandma was there to take care of me..i was only 2 then....poor me poor me. But hey, I got a mickey mouse hat with ears on it....and cool MICKEY MOUSE CLUB videos and all.....those were the days....

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Soaring Temperatures in Melbourne

A Dark dawn: the western edge of the Melbourne CBD.
Photo: Craig Dixon from 'THE AGE'

Its been insanely warm in Victoria in the past few days due to the bushfire at the Gippsland.... When i woke up yesterday (saturday), I was surprised to see Melbourne city covered in haze....being the usual DOH person I thought it would be cold.... then i realised that it was the smoke from the bushfires!!!!!! Oh my oh my... I thought there was fire nearby and probably a lot of victorians felt the same way too and started dialing '000'...i didn't do anything like that...
Baking skills

I'm no Donna Hay or Martha Stewart but I think my gingerbread man and christmas cookies look SUPERB!!! Don't know about the taste though.....Gingerbread are suppose to taste nasty but they look so cute....maybe I should've made a hole at the top so I can hang it on my invisible Christmas tree (note to self: should buy a christmas tree....even if its a mini one...hehhee).

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Exams OVER (since 22nd November)

I'm so glad the days of crazy studying and munching on whatever is available in the fridge/pantry are over (only for the rest of this year)....then back to Uni again next year to start another battle year......until i graduate and can officially drill people's teeth! woopeee

For those that i've happily told u about my sinusitis....which included describing how disgusting the things that came out of my nostril.... and then how the wonderful medication helped me through exams....ITS BACK again.....damn...but this time its milder. The GP gave me a different medication this time and i'll have to take it for a longer period....hopefully it'll work. My nose definately has its own brain.....

Friday, December 08, 2006

This the season for the cheeries (fa la la la la la la la la)

yummy yummy....This is the first time I've ever stayed back in melbourne til this late in December and I;m glad i did cos there are cheeries everywhere (not everywhere on the streets la).... I dragged myself through the summer heat to Victoria Market the other and bought a 2 kg box of fat big momma cheeries for my sister to bring back to malaysia...and I was so stupid to buy it as the first item when i reached the market. I had to carry it all the way while I bought other stuff (fish....vegies....and all). Should have only gone to the cherry stall at the end but the temptation was too great.....but alas...the taste of sweet cheeries made the punishing trip to Vic mart an OK one.......

I bought the fish and some other stuff to make up a nice lunch for my bro and Joe. They were surprised why they were being fed such a nice meal in the middle of the day. I usually do not even bother cooking anything fancy for lunch. But but but.....ta daaaaaa.....I present to you my Tomato Chili Relish with fisheeee