When was the last time milk arrived in glass bottles?
I usually don't purchase organic things because of the hefty price but this one I could not resist because it was too cute...and I'm a sucker for pretty packaging so I had to buy it. The milk tasted like milk, a bit watery but then all skim milk are not creamy (Except for Zymil). This bottle is now serving as a water container ^^ So nothing is put to waste.
We were over the moon 1.5 months ago to discover a nest with 2 eggs in our backyard. I would go visit the mama bird daily...watch her while she nests her eggs and coo away. Daddy bird was also present but he perches away on a tree nearby.... I managed to take a picture of the two birds (pigeons...i think) up on our chimney roof. You'd have to look closely for the second bird.
But.....tragedy occured.....Evil possums came at night and ATE the eggs.... I HATE POSSUMS

Pretty cherry blossom trees
Taken while we were on our way to Falls Creek for a ski getaway weekend.
It was the end of winter... but there was still some snow
Whilst we are on the theme of pretty flowers..
Chrysanthenum flowers in a teapot....floating away...like little fairies
(occasionally u'll find little black insects)....eeww

And now for the UGLY post...
Guess what this is?
Its an EGG VOLCANO!!!!!!!!!!!!