Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Coffee or Sea?

Photo: Jason South @ www.theage.com.au 24/04/07

The weather this week is about 4 degrees celcius above average and I'm not complaining at all. Usually I'm the Queen of Complaining....this and that....always "sighing". But not this week because all is good..

a) Weather is good
b) ANZAC day on Wednesday = a public holiday in the middle of the week
c) I finally get something out of Tuesday dissection classes (except the bit where I had to witness my friends sawing someone's head into half...right in the middle. Chrystella, if you're reading this, hope we didn't inhale too much bone particles and no nightmares)

The above picture with the man floating in the sea was taken from www.theage.com.au website. I just thought that guy looks sooooo relaxed and our Melbourne beaches are looking pretty cystal clear during this horrible drought we're facing. I wish it was me...but I'll probably be wearing sunnies and sitting on a float with a BIG umbrella over my head. No no to sun damaged skin.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you actually made me laugh with your statement. this anatomy thing is driving me crazy. haha.. yeah but i agree with you on the fact that we did get something out of the prac for the FIRST TIME!!!!!-chrystella