Thursday, September 08, 2005

Bi Bim Bap

Beautiful rice....served with pickled spinach, bean sprouts, radish, cucumber, bulgogi beef and a large dose of vinegared red pepper sauce.....YUUUUuuuMMMmmm...... Mix it all up with an egg! Too good to be done by me.... yeah its takeaway tonight. hehehee

Strawberry gateaux?? Can't spell it properly. Didn't make this delicious thing too.... My bro bought it. I MADE THE PLATE!! Thats what i've been up to in can't see it properly as my photo taking skill is crap. Will try to take a better pic in the morning....


Anonymous said...

all this nice food, and yet you never invite me to have dinner with you :'(

Anonymous said...

You made that plate?? hahahahha...did it take you long, doesn't look like you put much effort into it!!! :P

Anonymous said...

that plate message was from me