Spring Time
Its my 3rd day into mid-term break...but its only my 1st day of a 'real' break.
Finally I get to sleep in but that is only til 8.50... the phone rang...
Oh well, I needed to wake up and do some household chores + STUDY... (how terrible)
Studying is boring...but tea-break time is LOVELY!
Checkout the chocolate cupcake (from Melb central) and my de-caf latte...mmMMmm ...
I haven't been blogging for some time...and its not because I was too sad due to Jacko's death. There just hasn't been anything too interesting. I haven't been cooking much....my mum was visiting from Malaysia so she did all the yummy cooking. I'm sorry I forgot to take photos of her cooking...but I miss being pampered by her. I'd come home and there was lunch/dinner and even breakfast at 7.15 am. Mums are lovely....