Monday, June 25, 2007

Finally Exams are Over...

Photo from

Oh my long has it been since I last blogged? Its been Forever and I found out that my sister's friend actually told my sister to ask me to Blog something as soon as she found out that I finished exams. Sorry bout not updating it.

I haven't taken any interesting pictures lately...cos you probably don't want to know what I've been eating too....eating really ugly, unhealthy food and gulping lots of coffee with chocolates, lollies, chips, dips, all those ultra fattening things. But to my amazemet, I haven't piled on the kilos! Woo Hooo!!!!! But lets pray hard that I don't have anything clogged up my arteries....

I'll be flying away for holidays this week and will be sure to take my camera with me and snap up photos. In the mean time, checkout this photo taken by a famous photographer who gathers everyone who is willing to pose nude for his Mass Nude pictures of people on the streets around the world. I hope I don't get into trouble for loading this picture here.... Feast your eyes....a new form of Art. Art is weird.