Sunday, August 20, 2006

Ski weekend

We stayed off mountain at this cool swedish place called Svarmisk! Its brand new and very very swedish feel.....hehhee...don't know how to explain it. Everything inside is very Sleek...not cheap like Ikea..

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Plant attempt No.2

This little cactus was from the nursery in Sassfras...opposite the Tea Place. Hopefully this will last longer than the green bean plant i grew in June. Yupe that one died on me too.....

Not too sure if u can see it in this pic but my cactus had a little flower growing at the tip of the long stem...until my dog ate it while i placed in on the balcony for some sun!!!!!!!

Monday, August 14, 2006


LOBSTER sushi....AS IF!!! I used carrots as feelers! hehhehe.. Made this pretty sad looking tuna/egg/carrot sushi for dinner. I can't roll proper sushi.. so its kinda wonky! but its still vinegared rice with stuff in it!

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Sweet tooth

Bought these two lovely things from the Cafe downstairs. Chocolate and the other is Lemon.....yummmmmmmm
Botanical time....

Its been months since I've updated my blog! Been slacking after exams and forgetting to take pictures...

This duck dish was from The Botanical restaurant @ Domain .... it was not exactly that great....tasted really sweet. I can't remember what they had on it besides it being a duck!!!! I had it some time in June...

The oysters served are given really cool names...and they taste pretty good too! (Joe's opinion....) I don't like to eat fresh osyters.... I like them lightly fried Tempura style, Steamed chinese way or Italian Kilpatrick style!

The just a fish......on a big piece of seaweed